
The Ins and Outs of Gender Confirmation Surgery for Trans Women

The Ins and Outs of Gender Confirmation Surgery for Trans Women

Many transgender people prefer the term “gender confirmation surgery” to “gender reassignment surgery.” The word “reassignment” implies the person was born one gender and is “reassigning” their genitalia to resemble that of their identity. In reality, they’re “confirming” their true gender identity.

In the last year, being transgender gained worldwide attention through Caitlyn Jenner, Jazz Jennings, Laverne Cox and Gigi Gorgeous. From the attention curiosity sprouted, and cisgender people are intrigued by transition — especially surgical its surgical aspects.

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The European Society of Urology published a very thorough and fascinating illustrating the complicated procedure. It’s a simplified animation of a very complicated procedure, but it’s educational and informative.

Watch the video and remember that science is amazing. Some experts believe that trans women may be able to have a child within five years.

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